Thursday 26 April 2012

Modernism and postmodernism

Modernism and postmodernism are two movements of different period starting from the 20th century
Modernism  - Series of cultural movement took place, which include art, music, literature and architecture. Artists and thinkers searched for actual meaning of life
It’s a way of looking at the world, belief in progress through science, research for better way of living things were fixed things made sense
Rely on facts and things we can prove It can be summed up with a philosophical terms, I think therefore I am

Postmodernism was evolved in mid sixties; it’s a reaction against modernism
,  There is no unified perspective of truth and claims to truth becomes simply impositions of power that must be deconstructed for what they really are.

Post-modernism is actually an ideology, which can, and does, support capitalist systems and makes modernism more intransigent. The main argument is that modernism promotes irrationality from rational systems governed by overly limited parameters and that post-modernism can be used to contest any critique of modernist systems due to the nature of the philosophy.
I agree that human society should be progressive; we are shaped perhaps even determined by our communities, in which we live,
It’s the inevitable end of the project

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