Thursday 26 April 2012


Semiotics is study of signs, Every one comes across some sign’s in their day to day life for example which way to go, toilet sign, no smoking, disability sign all these signs are visual signs which we can see and understand what it means without reading something that is written. Signs are again categorized in iconic signs, Indexical signs and symbolic signs .The study of signs is concerned with communications and reality. Signs and logo’s are also used as brand names, its all about how to get noticed, Semiotics is the science of memory which lets you remember what sign means what signifier is object or image being seen and signified is message received in the brain  by looking at that image or object . What you see u think and that’s how u receives a message through sign. Picture here shows the sign of “No Smoking”, which gives in a message that smoking is prohibited in that area or place.  (smokefreeuk , 2012 , prestige complaint sign [online] available at )

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